Discover the stories of Coach Brodie and Coach Adam.
I started out like many men – big dreams, without the energy, motivation, or knowledge required to achieve them. As a personal trainer and group fitness coach for many years, I felt I was capable of more… but there was a wall I couldn’t overcome. Many countless nights were spent wanting more with no clear path to having more. While I was figuring out life and how I wanted to build my own, I focused primarily on my health. It was the one thing I had complete control over…
Life got better after this shift. By focusing on my nutrition, training, and daily rituals, I taught myself to become someone who does ‘hard things’. As a result, more opportunities began presenting themselves to me. I met more interesting people and even found the love of my life. I realised that men are not informed of this knowledge. Specifically: that good health is the key to achievement and happiness. And as I have experienced firsthand… Getting in good shape, and being proud and confident within my own skin, has resulted in a life I love.
Now my sole purpose is to teach other men these skills and guide them as they uncover just how amazing life is when you master your nutrition, training, lifestyle, and mindset.
My health and fitness journey started at 14 when my dad gave me my first pair of dumbbells. Something about it had me hooked… It’s like the world opened up in a whole new way. It blew my 14-year-old mind.
From that moment I knew health and fitness would be a lifelong passion. What started as a hobby turned into something bigger than myself as I learned more. I studied the top guys in the game, and one key thing stuck with me: I resonated with how they helped others improve their lives through their health.
Coming from my own struggles with stress and anxiety, I wanted to help others through these tough points in life.Health and fitness changed everything for me. It gave me confidence, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, purpose, and a life I wouldn’t trade for anything.
Now, I help men become the best versions of themselves through the Apex Coaching Academy and the Apex Man Protocol.
Learn the essential strategies that can help you unlock the physique you’ve been dreaming about. Other coaches are literally charging thousands for this, while Brodie is giving it to you completely FREE. No fluff. No nonsense. Just simple, proven strategies that are tailored to men who are ready to transform.